Kauai to Kenya

A friend on Kauai, Shannon Hiramoto Rude (creator at Machinemachineapparel.com), hosted a two-day garage sale in August of 2021 for our non-profit One Life to Give and it was a SUCCESS! This garage sale had items donated from 10 different families, plus a lovely group of ladies got together to sew some beautiful tops and jackets to sell at the sale too. Several of the ladies turned around and purchased the items they had sewn! The sale didn’t have items priced… it was “pay what you want” which really showed the shoppers’ generosity. Shannon ended up raising over $8,000! Of that total One Life to Give received $6,616 and the other remainder is going to food aid in Ethiopia. So amazing! We had a few students who weren’t sponsored yet for this school year so this will cover their school fees PLUS we are going to move forward by getting a borehole drilled to bring clean drinking water to One Life to Give’s property in rural Western Kenya. It is a beautiful thing to watch what a community can accomplish when working together and to see what can be accomplished across the world with those funds. A HUGE thank you to Shannon, all the donors, and the community who shopped! If you are interested in helping meet our goal of $12,000 then you can invest in clean water on the One Life to Give website now.


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Pandemic Pivots